Bonus In-Game Currency and Resources

Early Access to Exclusive Builds, Content, and News

"Guardian Angel" Limited Edition In-Game Items, Customization Options and Merch

Publications on Official Pages and Social Media

Exclusive Seat in the Council of the Angels DAO, Discord Role and Game Title

and More Surprises from the Goddess!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Guardian Angels Partner Program?
Angelic’s partner program is an initiative designed for gaming influencers, streamers and social media content creators. It offers participants exclusive in-game rewards, governance rights with special memberships on the DAO and the chance to be at the forefront of growing core communities within the universe. By connecting with individuals worldwide, our partners not only have the opportunity to create, play, and share content but also to become educators and invaluable sources of information for players seeking to learn and explore quality games.
How do I apply?
Fill out the form below!
How will other members know I am an affiliate?
Each of our Guardian Angels receive a specialized in-game badge, partner Discord role, unique in-game customization options and a seat on our Council of Angels DAO, which will be visible to public by viewing our Contributors webpage.
What are the incentives of the program?
Please check the perks listed on this page!
How do I contact support?
You can reach us on Discord.